[下载]SQLite 最新更新下载 3.3.12版

2008/4/3 16:29:01 来源:互联网 【 】 浏览:8131次

2007-Jan-27 - Version 3.3.12

之前放出的那个版本打包了错误的源代码文件. 因此, 好多人下载的 "3.3.11"其实是 3.3.10. 3.3.12 发布版解决了这个混乱. 此外还修正了其他的一些BUG 和加强了 PRAGMA integrity_check 功能.

Pragmas to debug the library

• PRAGMA integrity_check;
PRAGMA integrity_check(integer)
The command does an integrity check of the entire database. It looks for out-of-order records, missing pages, malformed records, and corrupt indices. If any problems are found, then strings are returned (as multiple rows with a single column per row) which describe the problems. At most integer errors will be reported before the analysis quits. The default value for integer is 100. If no errors are found, a single row with the value "ok" is returned.

• PRAGMA parser_trace = ON; (1)
PRAGMA parser_trace = OFF; (0)
Turn tracing of the SQL parser inside of the SQLite library on and off. This is used for debugging. This only works if the library is compiled without the NDEBUG macro.
• PRAGMA vdbe_trace = ON; (1)
PRAGMA vdbe_trace = OFF; (0)
Turn tracing of the virtual database engine inside of the SQLite library on and off. This is used for debugging. See the VDBE documentation for more information.

• PRAGMA vdbe_listing = ON; (1)
PRAGMA vdbe_listing = OFF; (0)
Turn listings of virtual machine programs on and off. With listing is on, the entire content of a program is printed just prior to beginning execution. This is like automatically executing an EXPLAIN prior to each statement. The statement executes normally after the listing is printed. This is used for debugging. See the VDBE documentation for more information.

2007 January 27 (3.3.12)
• 修正了3.3.9版中加入的IS NULL优化.
• 修正了在嵌套时图中存在的一个断言错误.
• 限制了PRAGMA integrity_check 生成的输出数据数量.



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